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What made you happy today



  • I've been making soap bubbles to entertain the cat. Only small kids and animals seem able to enjoy such innocent pleasures fully. It made me really happy to watch him too 😺
  • HylianHylian Citizen, Mentor
    That's so cute, Bender. My cats like bubbles too, especially the b/w one. Watching them marvel at the bubbles, and then look confused when they pop and disappear is so funny.
  • Hylian said:
    That's so cute, Bender. My cats like bubbles too, especially the b/w one. Watching them marvel at the bubbles, and then look confused when they pop and disappear is so funny.
    Exactly, he looked like a 3-year-old seeing a magic trick for the first time. And an hour later, he was still on the bathroom mat, staring down with a puzzled expression 😂
  • I had another good meeting with the behaviorist today.  I was happy I got to voice some concerns.  
  • I hung out with a robin in the park
  • Napping 
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